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John Caruso, LMT/NMT/YTT

Back Pain & Leg Stiffness Specialist

  • Active Isolated Stretching 

  • Neuromuscular Therapy

  • Cupping/Gua Sha

  • Graston Technique

  • Thai Massage

  • Sports Therapy

John is passionate about helping his patients understand their bodies and experience the transformative power of the healing arts. 


He finds it unfortunate that many people turn to pills, machines, and gadgets for pain relief, only to be disappointed and out of pocket. In this age of "health conscious" marketing, he recognizes the prevalence of charlatans who peddle quick fixes and panaceas at great profit, preying on people's emotions and illnesses.


To John, true holistic healing takes time and a deep understanding of the root causes of pain and discomfort. He firmly believes that 95% of these causes are rooted in the mental and emotional aspects of our beings. Consequently, he maintains that true healing must address both the physical and psychological aspects of the patient. 


Every treatment he administers is carefully tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient, ensuring they receive the most effective and personalized approach to healing.


Amazed continually by the transformative power of his treatments, John delights in helping patients unlock the natural healing potential of their bodies. He understands that the body is not just a collection of bones, nerves, and soft tissue but a complex and ever-evolving system that requires a holistic approach to achieve true wellness. 


As a professional massage therapist, he is committed to bridging the gap between traditional and alternative medicine, creating a safe and nurturing environment for his patients to heal and grow.


Always on the lookout for new and innovative treatments and therapies to integrate into his practice, John believes that continued learning is essential for any skilled massage therapist. If someone seeks a safe, effective, and personalized approach to holistic healing, John is ready and available to help.

Qualifications & Experience

"With a lifelong passion for health, muscles, and nutrition, I've dedicated the past decade to expanding my knowledge and expertise in the field of health and wellness.


Through collaboration with various teachers and educators, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of therapy techniques, with a particular emphasis on pain management and holistic medicine.


As a skilled and experienced practitioner, I am committed to providing effective and individualized care to my patients."


Cupping/ Gua Sha

People mostly use cupping to relieve conditions that cause pain. Some people say it also helps with chronic (ongoing) health issues.

Graston Technique

Graston therapy also stimulates collagen regrowth and redistribution of collagen fibers in the correct pattern. This optimizes range of motion, flexibility, and muscle recruitment.

Sports Therapy

Increase range of motion and improves circulation. One of the more common therapies in massage, Sports Massage increases the activity of the Parasympathetic Nervous System, causing quicker recovery in cases of pain.

Active Isolated Stretching

The purpose of this stretching method developed by Aaron Mattes is to elongate muscle safely. When the muscles goes through a series of micro-stretches, it is gently but firmly lengthened to reduce pain and increase range of motion.

Thai Yoga Massage

Using a sequence of traditional techniques, I apply acupressure using my palm, thumb, forearm, elbows, knees, feet, with yoga-like stretches for a therapeutic cleansing and expansion. 

Yoga Teacher 

Trained in Hatha Yoga and BKS Iyengar alignment principles, I received my degree in Marin County California and have been practcing Yoga since my early teens. 

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